Our Volunteers

"ISA is an organization that transforms lives and offers amazing possibilities to families. I have volunteered for many years to give back, share my independent school knowledge, and help others gain opportunities that were not available to me."
ICF Certified Life Coach, Executive Coach, Board Chair, Social Justice Advocate

"I was born into the Independent School Alliance because my grandmother, Manasa Tangalin, was the founding Executive Director. I volunteer to honor her hard work and to give back to the organization that set the trajectory of my life. I know firsthand how an independent school education can impact a student's life and, therefore, want to do my part to ensure this opportunity reaches every deserving family."

2024 Impact Awards Co-Chair
"I volunteer at Independent School Alliance because I have seen my own kids benefit from an independent school. And I believe all kids deserve access and the opportunity to do the same. I think everyone wins when there is greater diversity in schools"

"My name is Gregory Adams and I am an Admissions Volunteer at The Independent School Alliance. I volunteer because I believe strongly in the mission of The Independent School Alliance. I have first hand knowledge of how the Independent School Alliance, under the leadership of Dr. Dana Coleman, has positively impacted the lives of so many students and families by providing a pathway to the Independent School Experience."
Chief Executive Officer
A Mighty Mac Production LLC

"I volunteer for ISA because I believe in the mission of the organization and I know that education is truly the thing that changes individual lives, communities, and our world as a whole. The work done by ISA supports students and families with accessing institutions that empower all who attend"


Associate Music Counsel

Search Consultant and Executive Coach
Carney, Sandoe & Associates

Retired Educator
" I feel that every child should have an equal opportunity to acquire an excellent education. As we know, African-Americans have been set back by slavery and ISA is helping to create a more equitable chance of getting into a higher level school. ISA opens up opportunities for families who may not have even known about the ability to get into an independent school and helps them to be successful in those environments. I am a lifelong learner. I am an educator who loves to see people learn. I enjoy volunteering. It is dear to my heart."
Former ISA Parent
Spanish Language Translation
" The reason I volunteer at ISA is to provide a sense of community and welcoming environment as I experienced when I began my journey with Independent School Alliance. The Alliance goes beyond the application process as it provides a community of belonging. I want to provide families with someone whom they can reach out to and ask questions. I hope that I can continue to volunteer and provide support to new families."